Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heading for the beach...

I wonder if it is possible to pick up energy from other people at a distance.  I was expecting to talk to S today, but it idi ot happen. The Oh I'm sorry I thought you were going to call me was the texted explanation, but there seems to be something more.  Is that just my frustration coming through?  This storm is brewing off the coast of Florida right now, and I am up in Jacksonville for a convention.  Hurricane Sandy I believe is her name.  It seems like she might cause me some trouble leaving on Saturday, which I do not want to happen.  On top of that I have and acid feeling in my stomach,and a block toward calling S.  I am not sure what is going on here.

When my old marriage was falling apart, I used to get this very strong feeling that "something ain't right"  I was always right, it turns out, but I could never identify what it was that was giving me the signal.  I jsut knew on some deep level that things were not as they seemed and that something was amiss.  I learned to trust that instinct.

And so now I have that feeling agin very distinctly.  But the important thing or an important thing to remember, is I was not always very good at knowing what it was that was wrong.  And so that is the case now.  I do have creepy feelings aobu this guy AG, but really no reason to the ink there is anything too that.

What is going on?  What are these feelings that I have? What do I do about them?

I heard from my Boss today that my job will in fact be ending early next year.  I hope to hold on until my life circumstance finishes it's transformation in mid April.  I wonder what is going to happen with that.

When you have this feeling in your heart you are blocked.  The block is the feeling.  There is osomething in your energy field that is holding you back.  This must be a resistance on your part.  A resistance to what is int he vortex for you.  What you want iso trying to manifsest, but you are holding on to some block that will prevent it.  This is what happens when you are out of alignment with your true source.  This misalignment causes the ill feeling of acid in your stomach and that constricted feeling in your heart.  It couples with the actual powerful energy of the storm, your concern for your trip home and your uncertainty about your future.  You do not want ot be where you are right now, and you are only here to keep a temporary thing alive.  This will cause you minor upset, but it is not such a big deel because you ahve it in perspetive.

You are capable o fhandling small disturbances in your path.  They may manifest as unpleasant feelings or sensations in your body, and you may experience them as negative moods.  While these feelings and the time you spend subject to htese feelings will pass, you can handle them.

A good suggestion is to do something to clear yourself.  A reset.  You should go outside and enjoy some fresh air.  Walk down to the boardwalk and let B pick you up there.  Don't worry if you do not talk to S every five minutes.  It iwll all be ok.

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