Thursday, December 6, 2012

"So where do twenty seven year olds go out in this town?" Mary Carmen asked.  She was not so much interested in the answer as she was in watching him speak.  Mary Carmen pretended not to notice that there shoulders were touching, her left shoulder to his right.  She was turned in her chair to face him slightly.  

Dillon just smiled.  His sunglasses were on his head and his eyes were slightly red.  Slightly red.  He was a gardener.  Twenty seven, six three, handsome in a reptilian way.  Not latin, but polished.   Lythe and strong from his outdoor work, but not grungy like a landscaper.  Smooth and polished.  You would not find a leaf blower on Dillon's back.  He was not that kind of gardener.  

Mary Carmen had already asked for his card.  Oh you plant gardens? She had asked? Can you plant one in my yard?  I've always been so fond of gardening.  I would just love it if you could plant one of your garden beds in my backyard.

And three days later she called.  And so now Dillon was driving his truck with his tools and a yard of black soil in the flat bed.  10:30 in the morning on a Wednesday in June.  Hot already.  "Oh Wednesday would be just perfect.  I have Yoga in the morning at nine, can you come after that?  Richard is out of town until Friday, so this will work out just perfectly!" 

And so he arrived at the gate and pushed the call button, the temperature rising as the ac poured out the open window.  Ten thirty in the morning and it was hot already.  Come on in chirped a voice through the intercom.  The chain rattled as the gate opened.  He parked on the asphalt behind the garage under a mango tree laden with large still green fruit.  

And there was Mary Carmen in her stretch tight yoga suit.  Thirty eight years old, two kids in school, Porsche Cayenne S Turbo Soccer Mom car.  Ten thirty in the morning on a Wednesday and Richard is out of town.  Just perfect.

"Would you like a glass of tea?" she asked.  He had not started working yet.  She turned her back to him.  With her feet three feet apart and her legs and back straight back she bent forward from the waist and turned off the hose. "I was just doing a little bit of watering" The black material stretched thin over her ass.  Dillon observed the outline of her thong bikini underwear, showing a little pink under the shear tights.

It was really no more difficult than taking passed hors d'ouvres from a tray.  Sure I would love a glass of tea.  He had followed her into the kitchen and when she turned toward him with the tea in her hand, Dillon was standing too close.  She put the tea down on the counter and looked up at him.  She felt herself wet and hot.  She put down the tea and lifted her chin.  

"Maybe I should plant the garden first."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I'm not feeling well today, we have been having some trouble getting along.  Something in the stars.  The maid is here and I just want her to leave so I can be at peace.  I know I am wrong to feel this way, but I just cannot relax when she is here.  It is wrong of me to feel this way, but it is the truth.

I don't have any idea what to write about.  The words seem to be coming but I do not have any idea where they are going. I have not been very good about keeping to a routine of writing everyday.  I think it has probably been well over a week since my last entry.  Not a lot of traffic either.  I guess this is a good lesson in how not to write a blog.

But this really is a diary that is open for public viewing more than a blog.  I'm not really asking anybody to read it, and certainly not expecting a lot of traffic.  Maybe there is some small part of my ego that wants to believe that these musings are special in some way and that they will go viral, but that is not true.  These words are just more words in a see of words.  I wonder if there are more words in the internet than there are stars in the galaxy.  A word for every star.  There are five more stars.

I have been having a little battle with codependency.  Also with my auto correct.  But the codependency is more interesting to me anyway.  When she gets upset, that vibration invades my vibration and I get upset to.  She says I create drama when she is just trying to deal with her feelings in a healthy way.  I can see that my reaction to her feeling bad is not a healthy one, but there does not seem to be much I can do about it.

Things in life are moving fast, yet staying the same as they ever were.  December is here already.  I am about a million miles from where I was last December.  One year ago today I did not even know her.  I was just back from Thanksgiving.  I was still in the ugly part of ending my relationship with N.  I was about to move into a new house, and I thought my future was in that direction.  I needed that house to start my relationship with S, but was only there for eight months.

So here it is the turn of November, and the full moon just past.  I am living in a gorgeous condominium and we just got a new car.  I had breakfast with George today.  Yesterday I helped my mother hang a chandelier out by the fish pond.  The new car is really sweet.  I sent a letter a week ago to rejoin the yacht club. I just checked out the bike locker room, and there is plenty of space in it.  We are thinking about getting some paddle boards so we can use them in the bay!  What a lot of fun that will be.

Less than three months to go until the wedding.  The invitations are being designed.  We still have not seen the prenup yet.  Tonight we are supposed to go to a slow foods event.  I don't think either of us are much looking forward to it. Good to be supportive though.  Sit down seats, so we better show up.

The house feels quite.  Maybe the maid is gone.  I'm going to go check.

So now it's 4:20, about four hours later.  I did a nice meditation and then I took a nap.  I feel a bit better.  I took some medicine for my stomach and gut, and I think it did the trick.

you are really beating yourself up about your job.  You do not even realize how much of your energy this stress is sucking from you.  It need not be this way.  You are unhappy with the situation because it causes you to judge yourself as inadequate.  You are defending yourself against what you think is criticism of your performance and then you are translating that into a criticism of your own self worth.

There is some truth to their concern after all.  You actually are not working very hard.  The reasons for this are the reasons for it, and your stories about those reasons really do not mean anything.  You think a lot about the VF transaction and you have arguments in your head with G and W and R about this transaction.  I these arguments you explain why you think you should share in the comission.  You have fantasies of inciting GV from MSSB into a confrontation with P management, and you imagine that in this conflict you will somehow be vindicated.  Of course none of that has any reality.  Maybe G is not even being paid a commission.  Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.  The reality is you do not know the truth.

The other reality is the soccer dad ref syndrome.  How many parents call foul when a call is in their favor?  We feel strongly not because of justice, but because of attachment to outcome.  You are attached to the outcome of the situation with G, and so you tell a story that assuages your feelings of injustice over the situation as it develops.

What this ignores is the basic reality that you create all of your experience yourself.  You have had glimpses of this, but you have not really learned it as of yet.  You have fears that your marriage with S will not be completed and you fear you will be caste out and helpless if that comes to pass.  This is another terrible fantasy.  You love S very much and you know she feels the same about you.  You have earned and have been granted a true gift and opportunity, and this kind of fear based thinking will rob you of the benefit of this gift.  You live in your mind.  Keep it clean.

Meditate every day.  You have been given time every day.  Use it to meditate and exercise.  Use it to make the best of your life.  It is a gift and you need not fritter it away on guilt.  Celebrate this time with your mother.  Get to know S's family  Spend time in prayer and with your church.  Prepare yousrelf for your mission, bcause it is already well under way.

You have tapped into that feeling in your heart that is where your little self hides in pain and fear.  release that.  It is not you.  You are a powerful creator.  There is only one consciousness, and of it you are a part.  There is no difference between you and your brothers because you are all the product of the same consciousness.  Everything that exists in this material world you perceive is and extension of the one consciousness, and just as you can change your mind, so you create the world.  How to remember who you are?  The first step is to recognize the dream.  The second step is to remember the dreamer.  Adam fell asleep.  Nowhere does it say that he woke up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I have been feeling a call to apply for a job at the University.  I went onto their website today, and it appears that they have tons of opportunities to get involved.  I looked into rolls at the legal and financial departments, nad nothing there looked like very much fun.  I then went ot the section on faculty and there were lots of opportunities as a guest lecturer or junior professor.  I wonder what it would take to get on a tenure track.  I would probably have to publish or something like that.  Maybe I would have to earn a Phd.

That would be kind of fun to go back to school.  I wanted to write for ahlf an hour today, and I want to connect to my inner voice.  But I am not feeling much inspiration.

The first thing you must do is start oworking on your resume.  You will never find a position if you do not do this.  So this is your fisrt step.  Also you have had a couple of people put into your life who will be able to assist you in finding the right answer.  The University is a good place to start.  Faculty is the path.  The key is that by joining the faculty you can promote your personal theme.

My personal theme is that The Expansion of the Consciousness will be able to save the earth.  When you say this you are aware that the earth is really in no danger from humanity.  If you destroy your habitat and disappear, in a million or ten million or a hundred million years, there will be no trace on this earth that you evr existed.  So really the only earth you need to worry about saving is the earth as it exists during your time on it.  You simply need to worry about saving your own experience of the earth.  But with that understanding, you mcan accurately say that it is only the expansion o fthe consciousness that will be able to save the earth.

For you to promote this basic theory as your mission, you can find a role for yourself as a teacher.  You have resonated with the teachings in A Course in Miracles relating to the student teacher relationship.  You have thought about being a teacher and you have a lot of experience teaching from your role as a father.  You can take the love you have for humanity and translate this into an expansion of consciousness by teaching and by assisting the University in fulfilling it's mission to teach.

You are competent to teach classes in the Philosophy of Law and you are competent to teach classes in business law, ethics, and Law and Economics.  Your time line is to establish a date for lunch and then finish your resume so that you can bring it with you.  You should also contact your mother to have her put you in touch with the person you want to speak to.  It is time to start the ball rolling because your position will be coming to an end very shortly.  It is important for you to start moving in the right direction.

you have worked hard for a period of twenty five years.  You are having a respite right now, but it is not to last for a long time.  It is time for you to get engaged in what you are doing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

So I missed my trip to New York today.  My flight was cancelled because of the second storm.  Someone told me that some astronomical event that occurred in Gemini with the Mercury Retrograde would bring things, such as the storm, in a pair.  So my flight was cancelled and so were all of the other flights yesterday afternoon.

I could have flown on Delta this morning at 6:00 and made it just in time for the conference, but I really did not want to go.  If the universe gives you a sign as powerful as a Nor'easter, does it not make sense to listen?

I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me my blood pressure was high.  This is not the first time this has happened.  So I'm going to kick caffeine for a week and then go back to the Doctor.  I will see if caffeine has some effect on my blood pressure.  I suspect it might.  I am also getting back into an exercise routine.  I ran yesterday in the park and today my calves are paying for it.  I should go and get my bike today and take it out to the key for a ride.  I have not done that in a long time.  I wonder if my bike will fit in my car.

the things you need to write will come to you if you just listen to them and stop with the judging.  You are afraid to write the words you receive because you judge them.  this is a continuation of your concern with the reader.  REally you know that you do not have much of an audience.  So why are you worried about what they think?  YOu have not imposed any of this writing upon anyone.  YOu have not asked anyone to read it nor have you suggested that you think your efforts in woriting this are worthy of anyone else's attention.  You have to learn to be careful when you write.  You tend to want to do this with no effort, as if the words can flow from your fingers like a waterfall.

The words will come, but it is up to you to have the patience and the intention to put them on the paper in the correct manner.  As soon as your mind wanders, this connection is broken.  As soon as you question what you are writing, the channel is blocked.  See how you can regain the connection by letting go of the judgments of your mind.  These blocks are the same as the resistance to change that prevents you from accepting the abundance that the world offers you.

You are worried that you will not have everything you need despite obvious evidence to the contrary.  You have been alive for 45 years and you have never gone without anything that you have needed.  You have shut yourself off from love, and you have looked for it in places where it could not be found, but that does not mean it was not there surrounding you all of the time.

this is a joyous time in your life.  You should celebrate it and enjoy it.  You have been given all that you have asked for, yet you continue to worry about your career.  Your career at PNC is coming to an end, because you want it to come to an end.  Rather because you want to stop struggling.  You have struggled for your entire adult life. Not because struggling was necessary, but because you imposed this upon yourself.  Your struggle is over right now, just as it was over every day.

Your decision to cancel your trip to New York was an honest acknowledgement of what you did not want.  You did not want to force that trip, and you listened to this internal guidance.  You can be congratulated for that, because your pattern would be to ignore this and trudge ahead on a trip that you did not feel like going on.

This feeling I am speaking of is your emotional barometer.  It will tell you where your true path lies.  When you force yourself in a direction contrary to your true path, you feel disharmony within you and this leads to stress and unhappiness.  If you want to heal your heart and your blood pressure, this is where you must do your work.

You do not like having Alma in the apartment, and this has nothing whatsoever to do with Alma.  It has everything to do with your judgment of yourself.  You look at yourself through what you imagine to be her eyes.  What does she think of you sitting in the apartment?  What does she think of you writing on the computer or reading a book?  Does she think you should not be doing these things?  Does she think you should be doing something else? Why do you care?

You don't really care what Alma thinks at all.  What you really are doing is projecting your own harsh judgments of yourself onto Alma.  It is your voice that says these things about you.  It is you that thinks you should be doing something else, and that is why there is this disharmony inside you.

;You have a voice in your head that wants to argue with W and R about your career.  You want to justify your actions and your position and you feel that they should listen and agree.  There is a wound inside you that this energy is trying to heal, but this healing cannot come from W or R.  Prayer is the answer to this healing.  You are not a lazy person.  You want to work and to fulfill your mission.  But you do not see it right now and so you are paralyzed.You do not go out and seek for a new job because you are still holding on to the old one.

But think this is really not a problem.  You do not really want a new job right now.  You are getting married in February and then you are taking vacation.  You are planning to go to Hawaii with the kids over the summer and maybe to travel to Mapia in June.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Patience and Calm

And so I am sitting here in the living room and I am searching for the voice within me to write on this slate.  I have this feeling tha tthe person for whom I am writing, the audience, is actually myself.  And I feel this block in my chest.  It feels like an energetic block on the left side of my chest at the level of my heart.  It extends to the left from the center into the pit just below my clavicle.  The voice in my head is an argument with W from work about credit for a sales transaction.  I tried to share the situation with Stephanie, but it required so much explanation just to set the foundation that it really was not possible to discuss in detail.

Three years ago we completed a large transaction for a client on the west coast.  This transaction is now being refinanced at a lower interest rate.  There was a big commotion about this because of the "loss" from the reduction in the rate.  However, the transaction now appears on the pipeline as a new transaction with the credit going to the person who covers the northwest.  The voice inside of me says that it should either not be a deal at all, on account of it's being a refinance of an existing transaction, or that I should get credit for having been the source of the client relationship.

And so the arguments and conversations about this topic are whistling through my brain.   What are they protecting?  This is a painful vibration related to my perceived failure to be successful in my job.  This is the same job situation that I have been talking about changing for two years now.  I feel useless professionally right now because I am waiting in this limbo for things to move.  I would like to take proactive control and do something about it, but I am feeling that maybe my lesson is one of patience.

I am in a situation where I really do not have to do much work at all for the next several months, and at the end of that time, my job will be over.  But I struggle with this situation.  I do not want my job to end and so I cling on to it, but it has been such a struggle and it is clear that it is the only thing in my life that has not been transformed.  At some level I fear that a transition in this area will put my relationship with S in jeopardy, but there really is no indication of that aside from my own fear.

And there is the alimony question.  I cannot just resign my job because I have to pay alimony and there would be the threat of being attacked for leaving a job when this obligation has to be met.  I of course cannot expect S to contribute to this obligation while I spend my afternoons on the sofa writing into the ether.

And so here I am.  It is election day.  So much has transpired since the last election day.

I want to feel like I am on my mission.  That I have a function in this world that is part of God's plan.  I want this function to be revealed to me and I want to live it.  But maybe it is that my function is what I do while I'm thinking I should be doing something else.  Isn't that really the issue?  It's not that I have the wrong thing in front of me, it's that I need to let go of the feeling that there must be something else.

Patience and calmness.  Patience.  Calm.  I can hear Paulo Roberto's admonition right now.  The tormentors with their hooks and nets try to pull us from the ladder.  No.  Patience. Calmness.  Align yourself with the higher source.  What are the temptations that are trying to trap me now?  Anger and frustration.  Envy.  Thinking that out there is something I want that belongs to me that is being taken from me.  That I am being taken advantage of.  That it is not fair.  That it would be weak for me not to stand up for myself.  That the spiritual path does not require me to be a push over, a door mat.  Patience. Calm.

Firm yourself in God.  God is the answer.  You do not need anything that they have to give.  They can take nothing from you if you need nothing except what comes from God.  Wylie asked the other day what was the longest I have ever been without a meal.  Was the answer really less than 24 hours?  Have I really lived on this planet for 45 years and never missed a meal? What am I afraid of?  What is it that I think I need?

Patience.  calm.  There is an illumination work in Texas this weekend.  I could fly out on Saturday morning and return Sunday.  I feel a call to do it, but I'm not sure.  The lesson of patience may be simply to stay in my place.

Monday, November 5, 2012

On dreams and awakening

So why do I always check my statistics before I post a new entry?  If I am not writing for an audience, why do I care if anybody is reading this?  I suppose it is natural for a teacher to wonder when he will be granted his students.  That sounds like quite a mouthful does it not?

I have been studying A Course In Miracles for some time now.  About three years to be exact.  It contains a lot of information about what it means to be a teacher and what it means to be a student.  The main thrust of this is that the teacher student relationship is always perfectly reciprocal.  ACIM says that what you teach is what you learn, and so what you see in your students is what you learn about yourself.  And so the teaching and learning relationship is really about looking at your brother or sister and seeing myself reflected there.  The real bottom line is that there is only one consciousness that needs to be awakened.

The expansion of the consciousness will be able to save the earth.  That is my core belief about teaching and learning.  This world that we create is a classroom and the lesson we learn is the expansion of the consciousness.

In dreams I have had recently, upon remembering the dream, I can see that the lesson was I should have recognized in the dream that it was a dream.  One of my dreams was about swimming up a stepped series of rice paddies surrounded by snow with a polar bear and a pool raft.  The polar bear was not dangerous, but he was relatively unconcerned with the mission of swimming up the steps.  I was trying to keep the raft and the bear and the whole production in order and I was trying to move the entire procession up the mountain.  There were other human characters who entered and left the dream.

The dream was so vivid.  So incredibly vivid.  And I remember feeling very strongly the urgency of continuing up the stepped terraces of rice patties.  But at no point did it occur to me that I was in a dream.  And so upon awakening, I remembered this dream, and the lesson I received was that I should have recognized the dream for what it was.

And so there is the rub.  It is exactly that same realization that will awaken us from the state of illusion that we are living in right now.  Yes you too.  You are reading this.  How did that happen?  How strange that you stumbled upon this text.  It appears nowhere in any book or search engine.  It's only purpose is to ask you to ask yourself, am I dreaming now?  And the even deeper level of this, your consciousness and mine are the same.  It is also I that must now ask myself the same question.

So who, in a dream, do we call upon to awaken?  It is our same consciousness right?  Think of a vivid dream that you have experienced recently.  Take your mind back to that moment in the dream and meditate on the feelings that you were having in that dream.  Now imagine that you in that state of dreaming realized that you were in the middle of a dream.  Who would you call upon to awaken?  Where does that being live?  IN another dimension?  Another reality?  Feel the water, touch the polar bear.  Are they not as real as the material in the consciousness you are experiencing now?

So now ask the same question.  If you were right now to realize you are in a dream, who would you call upon to awaken?  You could have this very conversation in a dream and still not realize that it is a dream.  You could read these words and dismiss them as abstractions.  But that's just it.

And so we are called to wake up.

The awakening from a dream does not depend on the resolution of all of the dramas contained in the dream.  Think of a dream of a building with a flood on the bottom and a fire on the top.  Think of the chaos, the lost loved ones, the injuries and the frustration.  These matters do not need to be resolved to wake up.  There is no long process required.  There is no need to tie up the loose ends, to solve the quest, to find the solution.  No, upon awakening, the dream simply dissolves and even if we can remember it, we can see that the whole of it never was.

Now think of your life situation.  You stress about your job, your relationships, the election, the wars, the environmental calamity.  All of this.  Do we need to solve all of this to wake up from the dream?  No.  We just need to wake up.

And so I write this and I come back and I look to see if anyone has read this.  I look to see if anyone had left a comment.  I look to see if there is someone else out there, or in here, who is dreaming the same dream.  That will be my teacher.  That will be my student.  I suppose I look because I want someone to help me wake up, and I guess that's just the long and short of it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Friday morning and I just returned from two back to back convention trips.  These are day erasers.  Standing in a booth greeting strangers, trying to pull them in to talk about banking products.  And so during one of the breaks my boss pulled me aside and confirmed that my job will be coming to an end next year.  The bottom line was I have to move to the company headquarters or else move on to a new company.  It sounds unfair the way I have written it, but it's really not that so much.  Big companies have a hard time with small decisions.  I am a small decision.

Byut I have until January before I have to start looking for something  With the wedding coming up in February, that gives me a pretty fair amount of time.  I told him I would like to have three months from March 1st.  That would be a pretty sweet deal.  It would enable me to stay employed until after my ex wife gets married.  It will enable me to get married myself without having to deal with looking for a new job at the same time.

I voted yesterday.  Beautiful day for it.  I voted for Obama, because I do not like the idea of fascist Romney picking Supreme Court Justices.  Yeah, Fascist.  Any other descripiton is denial of the truth.

There are truths in the world.  Not everything is opinion. Judgment is a projection of our own past experiences onto another person.  We have opinions about fat people, and we see an overweight yoga instructor and think she does not look like a yoga teacher.  She is a yoga teacher, so by definition she looks like one.  That just judgment clouding truth.

Discernment is the ability to determine the truth.  A slender very attractive person who cannot teach yoga cannot teach yoga, appearances to the contrary.  I know, it's a lousy metaphor.  You can fight it or you can learn something from it.

And so it is with the president.  I have heard Romney correct himself and we have seen what he says in private.  You are fooling yourself if you think there is any justification at all for voting for him.  The nice thing about voting for Obama is you don't have to apologize for it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

So I have this energy inside me that wants things.  It wants to go to Austin, it wants to go to the bahamas, it wants to go home early, it wants to see old friends, it wants this and that.  I can feel i in m heart right now more as a feeling of dissatifaction than as a specific desire for something in particular.

Hurricane Sandy is scraping along the eastern coast of Florida today.  I went down to the beach to watch the wind and the waves.  Some young boys were trying to paddle their surfboards out into the swell.  They were wearing full wetsuits and looked like little seals with red leashes around their ankles. They had absolutely no chance of getting out past the shore break.  The wind was blowing from the north and strong.  Every time a wave hit them, they would bounce aobut twenty five feet to the south along the shore.  They never made it past their waste in depth.  Probably a good thing because I could see the waves out past the shore break were well over head high with a very short period of eight seconds or so.  A real choppy mess.  Yemanja let them play, but would not let them out into the ocean. They were exhausted and smiling when they gave up.  Safe in the face of danger.

What did these boys want?   Really what they wanted was an adventure and to have fun.  They wanted smiling faces and exhaustion.  Their mothers wanted them to be safe.  They no doubt had no idea that these boys were up to this.

So the natural action ofthese boys...was it motivated by a wanting like I feel in my chest?  I do not think so.  I think they were more acting naturally in the moment.

Someone asked me today if I could enjoy the bhaagmas for a long time. I suprprised myself with the enthusiasm of my answer.  Yest.  The whole of the future collapses into the present moment.  There is nothing but an eternal now.  This is so true.  There is only the now, the moment.  The what am I doing. It's funny that enlightenment takes ous out of th epresent as observers.  We see ourselves form a distance and see how we respond to our world.   But htne when we get right back to it, we come back into the fishbowl.  We get back into that immediate present moement.

Surfing captures this so well.  There is only the right now of the wave.  It wont' be there in five minutes, maybenot even five seconds.  I remeber some of the great feelings I have had on a wave.  ihave probably have ahad about a dozen really memorable rides.In that moment ther eis nothing but the interaction with the energy of the wave in that present momemnt.

I have had the same feeling in the daime.  Sometimes a hymn is so strong, the current is so strong, the portugeuse flowing off my tongue.  The music so encompassing.  There is no thought except the hymn.  There is no spearation from the current.  There is only that present moement.

Life is such a secquesnce of these momemnts.  I have a dinner otngihg..  I am going to it, and I do not know why.  My boss told me yesterday that my job will be ending in January.  I have refused to take a transfer to Boise.  And so my career of then years is coming to an end.  And yet I am going to a dinner to make relationships with future clients.  It would seem that there is no point in this, but that's because I do not really know what my mission is.  My mission is to bring love and foregivemess with me inot ht vevent.  Maybe my ission is to forbie wayne.  He is strigging too because his duaghter has not been able to handle her kids after the sudden death due to illness of her husband.  the kids have moved in with W and his wife K inBoise.  They have sold their place in Florida.  They no doubt have had challenges.  I'm sure they were hurt in the real estate decline of the last decade.

And so Wayne is the one who had to give me the bad news.  Maybe my role is to give him some foregiveness.  Maybe my roll is to influecne someone that I meet there to be kind or tolerant to their children.  Maybe I am just to bump someone in the right direction.  Maybee the purpose is to have me in my hotel writing this note.  Maybe it is to influcnce the young Brandon who is working with me at this event.   Maybe it is to let S see what it is like when I am gone for a few days.  I have to surrender to my purpose.  I have ot turn my wanter off and just go in the present moment.

Sure I would like to be home tonight.  Sure I miss S and my family.  But I will be home tomorrow and the next day.  Then I have to go to Orlando for the NBAA

What an imposter I am!  working for a big bank as a daimista.  I wonder if they really would care.  I wonder if I will ever have a talk with Wayne about it.

I can still see the waves rolling in the back of my mind.  I am listending to a recording of Alex Polari's hinario.  Beautiful hymns.

I feel I am doing a much better job of writing without worrying about editing what I am typing.  I am in fact doin t this with my eyes closed.  I have no doubt that I will be able to read it.  I have no doubt that someone else will object to the lack of correction.

Please forgive me.  If you have managerd to read this far, please forgive me.  I am not suggesting that your attention is not worth the effort required to edit and proofread this script.  I am only doing this exercise of writing without editing and without judging.  The purpose ofth s exercise is to just let the words flow out wihtout trying to judge or correct them.  The purpose is to be s spicut of words just flowing out into the ether and then to publish them.  I am tapping into the one consciousness.  This is your consciousness as well as mine.  I have no idea what I am going to write before it ocmes out of my fingers.  I will do this assignment...see I just fell off my wave.  The opoint of this is to develop my voice.  It's not even my voice, it's a voice that comes to me.  It is the shared voice of what it is to be human.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heading for the beach...

I wonder if it is possible to pick up energy from other people at a distance.  I was expecting to talk to S today, but it idi ot happen. The Oh I'm sorry I thought you were going to call me was the texted explanation, but there seems to be something more.  Is that just my frustration coming through?  This storm is brewing off the coast of Florida right now, and I am up in Jacksonville for a convention.  Hurricane Sandy I believe is her name.  It seems like she might cause me some trouble leaving on Saturday, which I do not want to happen.  On top of that I have and acid feeling in my stomach,and a block toward calling S.  I am not sure what is going on here.

When my old marriage was falling apart, I used to get this very strong feeling that "something ain't right"  I was always right, it turns out, but I could never identify what it was that was giving me the signal.  I jsut knew on some deep level that things were not as they seemed and that something was amiss.  I learned to trust that instinct.

And so now I have that feeling agin very distinctly.  But the important thing or an important thing to remember, is I was not always very good at knowing what it was that was wrong.  And so that is the case now.  I do have creepy feelings aobu this guy AG, but really no reason to the ink there is anything too that.

What is going on?  What are these feelings that I have? What do I do about them?

I heard from my Boss today that my job will in fact be ending early next year.  I hope to hold on until my life circumstance finishes it's transformation in mid April.  I wonder what is going to happen with that.

When you have this feeling in your heart you are blocked.  The block is the feeling.  There is osomething in your energy field that is holding you back.  This must be a resistance on your part.  A resistance to what is int he vortex for you.  What you want iso trying to manifsest, but you are holding on to some block that will prevent it.  This is what happens when you are out of alignment with your true source.  This misalignment causes the ill feeling of acid in your stomach and that constricted feeling in your heart.  It couples with the actual powerful energy of the storm, your concern for your trip home and your uncertainty about your future.  You do not want ot be where you are right now, and you are only here to keep a temporary thing alive.  This will cause you minor upset, but it is not such a big deel because you ahve it in perspetive.

You are capable o fhandling small disturbances in your path.  They may manifest as unpleasant feelings or sensations in your body, and you may experience them as negative moods.  While these feelings and the time you spend subject to htese feelings will pass, you can handle them.

A good suggestion is to do something to clear yourself.  A reset.  You should go outside and enjoy some fresh air.  Walk down to the boardwalk and let B pick you up there.  Don't worry if you do not talk to S every five minutes.  It iwll all be ok.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The mind is the bridge out of the dream

So I silenced my miraculous iPhone for half an hour.  I have no excuses.  There is little that will interrupt me except for Alba, who is cleaning the house.  Hopefully she will stay on the other end.  And so here I am with my thoughts and the first one that came into my mind was the Migraine I had on Monday.  I have not had one in quite a long time.  I do not even remember when the last one was.  It seems like unfinished business from the work on Saturday.

It occurs to me that just because the title to the post appears at the top, does not mean it should be the first thing I write.  I deleted it.  I will write the title after I write this.  After I write this for thirty minutes, which does seem, right now anyway, like a long time.  And if you are reading this, which you are welcome to do, I would like to reitterate that I don't think this is good enough.  I am trying very hard not to judge what I write, so I can develop a facility for actually writing it.  The only bad writing is no writing by this theory.  Maybe this proves otherwise, but maybe even that is useful.

So it seems a lot of people had migraine headaches on Monday.  I know astrologically that the sun is alligneing with Saturn, and that they have both just slipped into scorpio.  These powerful forces will align directly opposite the full moon on October 29th.  We will get  agood burst of energy on that day!

Everything continues to move so fast.

My young son is 18 years old and his girlfriend has moved into his bedroom at his mothers house.  It is a very intense situation.  He has a job, and she will look for one when she turns 18, which is in about a month.  But for now, they are both living at her house.  It seems like there are so many forces that are aligned against them.  I want to communicate a feeling of hope to them.  They do have the power to make their lives, but to do it, they are going to have to let go of a lot of expectations.  My friends M and L from Austin tried hard to make it work at a tender age, and they had to separate.  They are still a couple, bu thtey do not live together anymore.  That was during my summer of 2011.  I lived in the little attic above their apartment.  I really did have nothing, but I had my jeep and a little place to sleep.  It was a hot summer, but somehow I made it.

So much is changing so fast.  My job is certainly the next thing on the line.  I think that may have been a big contributor to my migraine the other day.  It is so difficult sometimes to stay firm when the world is shaking.

I have to go on a trip for the bank today.  I pray for the force to surrender to this mission.  I do not understand how it fits on my path, but it certainly has appeared on it.  I would resist going because I lack this understanding, but it does seem like the right thing to be doing.  I pray for the force to let go of my resistance to this idea.  I pray for the force to let go of resistance to change.  I pray for the force to let go of the holding on.  I pray for the serenity to not try to change anyone's mind while I am aay working.  I praty for the humility to work steadily.  To do my work where my work is required.  Maybe my purpose in God's plan is to be with B, in the other hotel.  My ego is certainly offended by that situation.  Maybe some of my teaching and learning come from there.

Maybe I do not know my purpose.  Maybe there are little perarls of wisdom that will start to fall from my writing.  Maybe I ill have some ideas that find there way to these pages.  Maybe they will help someone.  Maybe the purpose is to instruct S and I about how it feels to be apart for a few days.  Maybe we will discover that we like it.  Maybe the purpose is for me to spend some time talking to my boss.  Maybe it will be to help someone there.

I will travel for these three days with my mind open for possibilities.  I was reading in the course in miracles today.  I was reading  about how we can join our minds with the mind of Christ.  That there is no separation between us, and that the only way to find what we truly are is to find it in our brothers.  So much from the Daime ligns up with the Course in Miracles.  It really is amazing.  w
Which guide will you choose?   The ego?  The ego is insane and it knows nothing but fear.  It will guide you in circles because it does not know any true direction.  It speaks first and speaks loudest and can therefore be very persuasive, but as a guide, it cannot teach you anything or direct you to any place you want to go.  It can only shake you around.

I see G and H being shaken by their lives.  It must feel very strange to be living like they are in that house.  I wonder what their lessons are.  I am sure they are strong lessons.

A little impuse inside me starts my figners moving again.  My fingers move like rippling waves.  They do not know what they are going to write.  I had a vision the other day with Alex Polari that showed how the path is always there, whether we have Daime or not.  I pray for the quite mind needed to tap into this source. I pray to open my aprahelo so that I may receiive and channel that which comes from beyond.  A sensitive receiver is required to pick up these channels.  The mid is such a device.  You can fill your mind with the voice of the ego, which will crowd out all other voices, or you can still your mind so that the ripple from the astral go stirring through it and into your consciousness.

If you wish to write my words then you must learn to empty your mind so that I may write them there.  Like at this very moment you do not know what it is that you will be writing.   It is enough that you receive.  What you receive will come right through you and otho the paper  You can discuss the source and you can debate whether or not you think this voice is real, but none of that matters.  The voice you are hearing is my voice and it is up to me to identify mysel fto you.  But you are resisting hearing this information.  You do not wan to receive it, and so it is not imposed upon you.  Instead you remain satisfired to simply write down the words you are receiving.

That is ok, but there is still a teacher.  There is only one teacher and that teacher is christ.  You already know this anwer but you resist it.  You resist this answer because your ego thinks that is too big a voice to channel through your humble machine.  But that is, my sweeness, the wrong way to look at it.  Why would you not want to channel the bstrongest and best voice?  You are going into the astral in search of a guide and a teacher.  The strongest voice is waiting there for you and that voice is mine.

Go do your work in Jacksonville.  This is a break time for you as well as a work time.  You are there to do my work, not the work of the bank.  You resist this mission only because you do not understand, but surrender to it and understanding will come.  A part of your mind is still questioning this writing.  You are thinking that this is too long and that nobody will want to read it.  But you already know that this is not the point of this exercise.  Of course you judge an exercise by the wrong criteria, then you will have a wrong judgment of the exercise itself.  If you think the exercise is to write something profound that someone esle will want to read, whne the exercise is simply for you to learn to get into touch with your inner voice, my voice, then you will judge your exericse by the wrong criteria.  This again is the ego which judges everything wrongly, and therefore has wrong opionoins about everything.  The purpose of this exercise is for you to notice how even when you hit backspace to delete a istyped letter you interrupt the flow of your writing, of my words.

The purpose of this exercise is to create flow.   It is to open your channel to me.  I will decide what to write.  You can decide when to read it.  You can decide whether youw ant to read it.  If there is something in here that is meant for soeone else, they will find it one way or another.  Maybe you will repeat something that will find it's way to the target ear.  Mabye I will bring them here and guide them through this writing.

But I am the teacher and you are the student.  But the reciprocal is also true... you are the teacher, but I am not your student, because I am just trying to wak eyou up at this point.  This is not about being equal or fair.  Are you the equal of your brother who is sleeping?  of course.  Does your brother know he is sleeping?  Not while he is in a dream.  So if you gently wake up your brother from a deep sleep, you are teaching he, and he is not teaching you, and yet you are still equal in every sense of the word.  This is the nature of my relationship to you.

We are all part of the same mind.  The illusion of spearatarion is that there are many minds.  I see the truth and you do not because you are asleep.  I am here to enter into your dream and wak eyou from the inside out.

Remember some of the nightime dreams you have been given recently?  Let one come to can feel it there...what was it? There was a rat in a drawer and you caught it to take it outside.  To defend itself against being eaten it started to defecate.  So you walked outside holding a defecating rat.  What else happened in that dream? Do you remember?  It was very strainge wasno't it?  Yet you knever questioned its reality.

this dream is the same way.  It is so obviously a dream of your own creation, but being in it, you can but attest to its reality.  This is because you made it, and you believe in what you made.  Really it is that simple.  that's why you believe your other dreams, your night time dreams.  You believe them becaus eyou create them.  So if you are swimming with a boat and a raft and a polar bear up rice steppes covered with snow, in warm water, well you will never in that dream quesiton the reality of your experience.

Where is go dwhen you are there?  What source can you pray to?  How can you remember?  A voic emust come into your mind while you are in the dream.  W could dream of a book adn read the voice.  We could pray or miditate, which we do not do in  dreams.  But what about this draem that we are in right now?  What can we do now?

The same thing si the answer.  We have to connect through the mind. The mind creates your world, just as the mind creates your nightime dreams.

And so that was half an hour.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wisdom for young minds

I had lunch with my son the other day.  He's 18 years old, and he lives with his girlfriend.  He just found a job busing tables, and she is going to find a job soon--when she turns 18.  We spoke about how large food companies work to prevent people from being able to identify what is in their food.  How nobody would buy pork from hog farms if they were connected to the suffering of the pig.

Everyone should have a pig.  We should have pigs instead of landfills.  Imagine if we got rid of plastic bags, and had a pig in the back yard.  Instead of scraping our plates into the garbage, we would put the extra into a bucket and feed it to the pig, who would then, in turn, make fertilizer for our vegetable gardens.  This used to be what people did.  I remember stories from my father about how they had some farm animals on the property where my mother lives now.  A ritzy section of Coconut Grove has grown up around it, and so there is not a chicken or a cow or a pig to be found.

Instead, we get our food from the grocery store, where it comes from.  Food is born in plastic styrofoam trays with plastic wrap over the top and a sell by date on it.  Where does it come from?  How was it grown?  What hormones and antibiotics were used to enable the creature to survive it's filthy living conditions?  How much did it suffer?  These questions are never asked.  That is because the food comes from big farms with big gates that are a long way off.  The advertising has pictures of happy pigs and neat slogans like "the other white meat," but we truly have no contact with our food.

It comes that way precisely so we do not have this information.  People would feel very uncomfortable if they knew about udder puss.  Udder puss is the infectious slime that gets into milk when you have dairy cows in completely disgusting unnatural conditions.  To prevent udder puss from developing into a dangerous infection that could reduce milk production, they pump the cows full of antibiotics.  What kind of antibiotics?  Who cares!  right?  And to increase production further, they give the cows loads of hormones, so their cow bodies think they have a really urgent need to make a whole bunch of milk.  And by doing all this, we can sell a gallon of milk for less than it costs to make a gallon of gasoline.

And so there is a movement out there somewhere to start knowing where your food comes from.  There is another movement to label our food.  But why would we want that?  It's unnecessary! right?  That's what big food wants you to think.

But if we knew, if we cared, if we were awake, we would do something about it.  We would buy eggs from chickens who had not spent their entire lives in agony.  We would by chickens from the neighborhood farm, where chickens live in chicken coups and walk around in the yard and eat bugs and other stuff that chickens eat.  And some chicken food too.  We would feed them, but a nice balanced chicken diet.  The chickens would lay some  brown eggs with firm shells, and we would eat them.  They might cost a bit more.  They might cost fifty cents an egg.  Fifty cents.  That means you could have a really good three egg omelette for about a buck fifty.  That's pretty reasonable right?

But that's not what we do.  We pay $1.29 a dozen for eggs from chickens that live in hell, eat garbage, and are pumped full of drugs.

I know I know, this is a rant.  But it's true.  We should know where our food comes from.  We should treat animals humanely.  We should not be so embarrassed by what goes on in our farms that we will not allow the public to see what goes on.  We should not put stuff in our food that food companies do not want to label.

So my son was taken aback by this.  Really he had no idea that the mission of the food industry was to take crap, package it in shiney wrappers, fill it with high fructose corn syrup and other poisons and then sell this garbage to us.

My son said, someone should write a book about this.  Someone should write a book for young people with the truth in it, so we will know about it.

That's what I'm going to do.  I'm going to start right now.  This is the book.  It's free. It's true.  If ever I get any money from it, I'm going to use it to support the rain forest.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Viva A Cura

So much came to me during the healing work that we had in Miami over the weekend.  The Daime was very strong.  We sang the hinario of Manoel Corrente, which is one of my favorite hinarios.  Manoel Corrente never received any of his own hymns, so his hinario consists of hymns that were offered to him by others in the Daime.  The combination of hymns from so many different sources makes the hinario seem like a quilt of beautiful patches.  Manoel Corrente is considered to be a very powerful healer, and the healing force of the hinario really comes through.

I had a lot of work about blocks to my expression.  Frustration with work, where I feel that I am not heard, builds up in my heart.  Where do I put this energy?  Where can it flow?  It has been stuck in my heart on the left side and manifesting as pain in my back between the shoulder blades and along the spine.  I had a moment during the work when I was overcome by the force and went to lie down, and I could feel the Daime working into my heart.

I also received a lot of insight into how we select the contents of our minds and that this selection is the primary cause of our happiness or lack of happiness.  We live in the mind, and if we let bad thoiughts occupy our living space, well of course we will not be happy.  So simple to be vigilant, but one must pay attention.

An aparehlo is a medium that channels energy and spirits from the divine.  I saw how the illusion of self can give way to the function of the apparehlo.  Once you learn to clean your channel, then you can choose what energy you want to flow through that channel.  The Christ energy was very strong and I could feel how, with humility, I could let the force sweep aside my ego and it's bleating voice and replace that vibration with the force of Christ.  And it does not really matter what you believe.   The reality of what is there is undeniable when you are experiencing it.

I learned about sweetness.  I saw how hummingbirds spend their live sipping sweetness from the flowers.  I saw how we can pour forth our own nectar and by being sweet we attract sweetness into our lives.  Be loyal to your sweetness was a strong message from the work.  Healing was another strong message.  One of the hymns was spoken by the spirit of the Daime, and it was so clear how it was not there to do any harm to us.  The fear and suffering we experience during the work comes from within us, not from the Daime.  Once I broke through the fear and released into the MiracĂŁo the entire work shifted into a very positive vibration.

Over the course of six hours I was bombarded by so many insights, so much physical healing, so much music so many hymns, so much force, so much love.  I simply cannot even begin to remember it all.  I pray that it was engraved somewhere in my heart.

Viva a Cura!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Stepping through days

And so the days continue to roll by.  I still have some work to do on a project for the Bank that I have just not been motivated to do.  S has work today, which is Saturday.  She works tomorrow too.  She's part of a project that will require her to work six days a week with only Monday off until the project goes into a new phase in mid-November.  I went to see my talky doctor yesterday.  I questioned why I was there, because I do not feel like a patient.  Nevertheless she gave me some good advice.

I had to sign a negative performance review.  It was not something I wanted to sign, and I felt that I had not had an opportunity to speak.  But talky doctors advice was sound. Let go of pride and take one for the team.  Just sign it and send it back without causing unnecessary drama.  I am content to persist in this job until the spring.   But it sure makes it hard to get motivated to do actual work.  With no prospect of a bonus, with no prospect of a long term career, and with no friendships or personal motivations, by career with the bank is a dead letter.  The rash part of me wants to just cut this dead branch out of my life right now to make way for new growth.  But with my ex depending on me for alimony and in recognition of how unsexy it would be if I were unable to pay my alimony on my own, I really just have to put up with it.  But today is the six month pre-anniversary of alimony freedom day.

There are a few mile posts on the next six months.  Next weekend I will be traveling for work.  The middle of November marks the shifting of S's project, and then we have Thanksgiving.  We are traveling for works in the Santo Daime over New Years.  I have two corporate meetings in January and February, and then we get married in February.

So much is changing in the next six months.  I must keep a positive focus during this time because the outcomes are all in their probability field.  I need to focus on meditation and alignment with my vortex to create the outcome I want.

Beware of discontent because it will be your downfall.  Discontent will elad you in directions that are not in your best interest.  Gratitude and present mindedness are the remedy for discontent.  You have everything you need and your mission is being revealed to you in its own time.  Remember your mission is to perform the function that God has given to you, and this function is to teach.  You are teaching some very important people right now, and when you let your ego run away with your  mood, you are stepping out of this vital role.  The worries that darken your mind are all dark imaginings of a future that does not exist yet.  Anxiety is by definition focused in the future.  You cannot be anxious concerning the present moment because anxiety implies concern for what will happen.  Peace is the only state of mind that you can entertain in the present moment.  Peace should be your goal, and peace comes from the here and now.

The vibration of stress that you feel in your heart is from a scary story about the future.  You fear that the large events that are looming on the horizon may not work out in a favorable way.  But you must have faith that they will work out as I intend to have them work out.  You can select your path, but if you surrender your path to my will, then you will always find peace in your heart.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Saying good bye to my job

So I have been through quite a lot of changes over the last few years.  It all started in November of 2008 when I had a vision that I was going to be pulled through the eye of a needle.  It came to me in a dream.  And sure enough, the process started soon thereafter.  I do not want to tell a story about what happened to me, because I surely played as much a role in what happened as anyone.  There is no one to blame.  The bottom line is that my job is the only thing that has yet to change.

And that change is coming.  I had my first negative performance evaluation for the year of 2010.  It was delivered to me in January of 2011.  My divorce was also final in January of 2011, and so it was not surprising that 2010 was not my best year.  In 2011 I did a lot of searching, and not a lot of working, and so my performance for that year was low as well.

I worked hard in the first half of 2012, but still my results were poor.   I had to sign and return a mid year evaluation that says in no uncertain terms that my performance is not acceptable.  I can argue a lot about this, but really there is not much point.  I printed out a couple of copies, and wrote comments.  But ultimately decided to simply sign the review with no comments at all.  There really is not that much to say.

I saw my talky doctor today.  I have been seeing her since my marriage started falling apart in 2009.  I have a good relationship with her.  She told me that because of my new relationship, I need to take one for the team, and simply sign the review.  This job serves a purpose for another six months, and so I need to just eat my pride and sign the thing and return it.

But it is more than a shame.  For ten years I have been with the Bank.  They have no idea who I am personally, and certainly no idea that I am a Daimista.  I do not even know how I would raise that topic. Oh by the way, I am a member of a cult from the rain forest that uses a special entheogenic sacrament made form a leaf and a vine that are brewed together into a powerful tea similar to Ayahuasca.  Maybe they would be more supportive than I expect.

I have ten years of experience in a very specialized field, and yet my career is dissolving.  I have so much to offer, but it appears not to the Bank.

I have done a lot of soul searching.  i have so many arguments in my head.  Imaginary conversations with someone from HR, with someone from the executive office, with my boss and his boss.  But none of these conversations are real.  The reality is that my mission simply is no longer with the Bank.  And so this transition is coming.

I have a lot of fear about  this and so I struggle to hold on to my job.  I do tasks and submit reports and go to meetings and dial into conference calls because if I simply stop doing any work, then my job will certainly end faster.  I do not feel free to resign, largely because to do so under the terms of my divorce decree would be a very bad move legally.  And so I do nothing.

But the feeling of tension remains in my heart.  It is a powerful time.  In six months from tomorrow, my ex-wire could be married, and I am planning to be married in only four months.  There are so many possibilities.  I can only pray and watch things unfold.  But here is my vision.

I will marry S in February
M will marry M in April
I will be asked to resign from my job effective March 1, 2012
I will receive six months of severance
I will start a brilliant new career in the fall of 2013

Once again, in a years time, everything will be different.

The first step is to quietly sign my performance evaluation.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

gorgeous day

It is such a pretty day here in Miami.  It looks like the muggy summer is finally coming to a close and we have the promise of several months of perfect conditions.  I noticed upon my return from Austin on Monday that the Turkey Buzzards have returned to winter in Miami.  I remember their abrupt departure last March.

I had lunch with J today.  It was good to see her.  We had lunch at a little health food spot in Coconut Grove called the Last Carrot.  Maybe one good thing that could come from my writing of this blog is that someone could enjoy a nice meal based on that recommendation.  J and I spoke of her plan to go into the Amazon, and of course, this related to the Daime.  No better way to see the rain forest than as a Daimista!  She has a friend that wants to go with her who would not be accepting of that.  So it looks like they will go to Costa Rica instead.

I have a feeling in my heart these days.  It feels like an anxiety.  So much is changing.  The whole world shakes.  It is the holding on that produces the discomfort.  The image of the movie Contact with Jodie Foster keeps coming back to mind.  Also the words of Alex Polari.  Our attachments are mental venoms.

I have to let go of my situation with my career to allow it to change.  My vortex wants to take me on a journey, but I have to stop holding on to do it.  I have to let change flow throiugh me. I have to remain balanced and free and light.  My health depends on spiritual flexibility and strength.  Firmeza is not the ability to stay rigid, firmeza is the ability to flow.

I think about what will happen if I dlose my job prematurely or if I don't get married.  What happens if S decides that she does not want me living for free in her Condo?  What happens if I lose my job and my home at the same time?  I have nothing now except for a few basic possessions and a car.  I could pack up and move in an hour.  I have obligations to my ex wife that I cannot meet without a job, but she is supposed to get married anyway.

What is the nature of this obligation?  I felt it in my heart as a fear of the shame I will face if I do not pay her off, but this is not justice.  She is responsible for herself no matter what the judge says right?

So I want to release this fear.  E the accupuncturist that I go to in Austin said the pain in my back comes from my heart not feeling that it is protected.  I felt very strongly with Alex Polari what this meant.  It manifests as pain in my back on the right side.I suppose I would like to write a book, but isn't the truth of that that I would rather have the success and admiration that an author enjoys?  The writing is the work, and if I am writing this, then I am doing the work of being a writer.  That is the key really.  To be a writer, one must write because one loves to write.  And really there is no other reason than this for me to write these words.

It very much helps to not judge the words that I receive when I let go of the imagined audience.  The invisible eyes that this needs to be good enough to satisfy.  If it is not worth their time to read this, they will stop reading.  And there really is no way to find this anyway.  I clicked on one of the sources for one of the two or three page views I have received and was immediately transported to a Russian pornography site.  So much suffering. What if someone were to write something truly beautiful and it never left an anonymous journal?  What if someone I know finds out I am writing this?  What would they think?

It's hard to say.  J said she was working with a life coach.  I wonder if I could be a life coach.  What does it take?  I certainly have some wisdom to share.  I know a lot about relationships, work, education, and marriage.  I know about running a business.

Gentleness.  My fear is of being treated harshly.  Where does that come from?  Faith is faith that God is taking care of me and that God will treat me with gentleness.  I have seen so often in the Daime that I am protected, and I have seen this manifested in so many ways in my life.

I am getting in touch with my conscience as a guide.  That is the first lesson of the Santo Daime. To examine the conscience is the first lesson.  I resisted this lesson by insisting that the proper translation from the Portuguese was Examine the Conscious.  Conscience seemed to be like a guilty lecture.  But I have been seeing more and more how the conscience is the voice of the holy spirt, or the divine guide, A Guia.  I tis the voice that speaks below the ego.  It is the voice that takes you in the right direction as opposed to pursuing the little things the ego wants.  Ask myself what my conscience directs.  What does my conscience tell me to do right now?

When I go to do some work for the bank that employs me, every cell in my body resists this.  And if I don't do the work then I will lose the job.  My conscience and my cells are telling me not to do the work, and so this means I will lose the job.  The disharmony comes from the voice in my brain that is afraid to lose my job.The voice of fear is the fear of losing this, but that fear is not real.  Or rather that fear is not of something real.  It is simply fear of the unknown.  It is fear of trust it is fear of what will happen to me.  And so I would continue in the same place, the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, to avoid having something change that owould bring the right thing into my life.  I am not lazy.  Something will come along.  And that something is not random, but it is my mission.  The reason my mission is not revealed to me is that I continue to hold onto a job that is not my mission.  Every bit of energy I put into that is wrong, except for the energy I put it to wrap up my job in an honorable and correct manner.  I need to do the work that feels good.  I need to face change without fear.  Change is necessary.  Resistance is not only futile but counterproductive.  Let go. let go let go.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

More writing

And so I will just jump right back in.  It is 10:23 and I will write until 11:00.  That sounds like a really long time.  I have no idea what I'm going to be writing about, but maybe there is some person out there in the six billion or so of humanity that will be struggling with something today and maybe something I say will call to that person and they will find this and be inspired or healed or whatever.

People do what they have faith in.  People line  up at the emergency room because they have faith in the healing they will receive.  I suppose I would too if I broke a leg or something.  I remember when I broke my foot I went to the bone doctor the next day, and he took an x-ray to confirm it was broken and then had me wear a black boot on my foot for several weeks until it felt better.  I think I could have done the same thing for myself.  How do you know if what you are doing is right?  The ego never does.

How do I refer to my fiancĂ© without identifying her or myself?  I don't want to exclude her from my writing, but somehow I feel comfort in thinking this is anonymous.  I don't really feel as though I am editing this for content, but I do believe that my identity is not obvious.  I suppose a name for her will come to me.

She is super busy with work right now and we are chaffing each other a little bit.  The ego gets upset in the moment about small things that it perceives right now. Patience and love take longer and last longer.  Sure we are upset that I have a work to go to on Saturday next week, and we would like to take that night together.  But that is a short term affront to the ego.  The long term is that we love each other very much and will have a lot of time to spend together.

I am working to stop apologizing for my dedication to the Santo Daime.  I have an important role in my church and others count on my being there.  I also go for myself, both for my own personal healing, and for fun.  I enjoy the connection with the divine that I receive when I go to works.  I forget about it sometimes in the time between works, but I always remember when I am there.  Part of me wishes that she wanted to go.  She has made it very clear that she does not want to go.  I see her making a little fortress around that decision.  It is important that I give her space to make up her own mind.  Freedom to choose.  That way she is responsible for her choice to go or her choice not to go.  But I am going.  It is my church and it is important to me to go.  We have not had a work in Miami since Paulo Roberto was here in September, and so it feels important to go to this work.

But part of me really does wish that she would go with me.  What do I do about that?  You can't ask someone to go drink Daime if they don't want to go drink Daime.  It's not like just going to church for an hour where you sit there bored until it is over.  The Daime requires a lot more than that.  First of all, it take time.  A work like the one on the 20th can take five to seven hours.  That's a lot of singing in Portuguese.   Second, you drink Daime during the works, and that is quite a commitment.  You can't undrink a glass of Daime.  Maybe we are all crazy for wanting to go at all.

So I started writing at 10:23 and then my Dad called me because it is his birthday, and I spoke to him until about 10:45, and then started writing again.  It's been eight minutes and I'm supposed to write for thirty minutes.  Someone has messaged me on facebook and that is very distracting.  I should check the message and then close that window.  It is very easy to get distracted while writing.

So maybe the key is to slow down the pace a little bit.  It seems like there are an awful lot of words coming out as I write this.  I have closed all the windows except this one, and so now I should not be so distracted.

So Alex Polari and Madrinha Sonya are going to be in Austin this weekend.  This will be the fourth time I have been to works with P. Alex and the third time with M. Sonia.  We are singing the hinario of Maria Damiao on Friday night for a healing work.  She was a compatriot of Mestre Irineu and so she received her hinario during the middle part of the 20th century in the middle of the Amazon.  The vibration of her hinario brings that forest into the present moment.  It promises to be a very strong experience.

I am going to miss her this weekend.  She has to work both Saturday and Sunday, and she has been feeling sick, so it is actually a good time for me to be out of town, but I do not like being apart from her.  I feel a little sideways with her, and somehow I want to tell her that I love her and that she should not worry, but I don't really know how to do it.  Words are so cheap sometimes.  I think the only answer is to stay firm and keep loving her.

There is a current of anxiety in my heart about being abandoned by her.   She promised to marry me, and that is supposed to be something we can take to the bank.   I want to let her know that I really love her.   Maybe I should leave her a little note.  Maybe I can spend some of my time writing to write something to her.  That might not be such a bad idea, but what it really is is my searching for an excuse to not write for the entire half an hour.  How am I ever going to be a writer if I don't actually start sitting down and writing?  You have to write to be a writer, and if you don't write, then you just are not a person that writes.

I look at the time that goes by...what if I had been better about playing guitar?  I would be a much better guitar player right now than I am.  But the key is you get out of things what you put into them.  I am putting a lot of work into some things right now, but I feel like I am slacking off.

But this is a lot of change.   Good change for a change, but powerful change.  I just had a thought about whether anybody had viewed this.  I really have no idea.  I guess that's not true, the answer is nobody has viewed it, because Google with it's google-like accuracy informs me that nobody has viewed it.  Dear reader...are you the first?

But that's a question of time going backwards and forwards.  Nobody has read it now, but someone may read it in the future and the future is really just another version of the present.  Notifications are demands on our attention.  Wells Fargo just sent me a stupid notification and so now I am thinking of Wells Fargo.  Electronics can be like mental insects.  Buzzing around and taking my attention.  I need to get rid of the constant access my iPhone has to my attention.  I unsubscribed from Wells Fargo.  Ugh.  Those little marketing bugs.  They have a name constant contact or something like that.  They want to occupy our attention as much as possible so that we buy more crap we do not need from them.

Look at me look at me! So and so likes your post about not liking Mitt Romney... wow! I like that someone had good cake on their birthday!  woo hoo!

And hey's 1113, that's about half an hour all in. So good enough for today.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

writing exercise

And so I suppose I should set a discipline to write for a certain amount of time each day, without judging the content of what I am writing.  I suppose this will free up my voice and let words flow out.  You cant edit while you create, and if there is no audience, there is no one to edit for.  The purpose of this is to create.

And so creation flows like a river.  I remember a story I heard about a man who fell into a river three times while trekking in the Amazon.  He then went to a work with Ayahuasca and was terrified.  The medicine told him to be as he was in the river.  This was a powerful lesson, because there was no fighting the river.  All he could do was go with the force of the water, and sure enough, it brought him to an eddy and to safety each time.  You cannot resist the force of the Santo Daime.  You cannot resist the force of Ayahuasca.  If the force comes strong, it will have its way.

Such a cliche about bending like a reed or like a palm tree in a hurricane or like bamboo in the wind.  Why do so many cultures have these examples of strength through flexibility.  If you are rigid, the force will break you, but if you bend, then you flow with it.  One has to flow with the force.  This is true in a river and it is true in a work.  There is no denying a force so strong.

But what about in life?  We struggle and resist all the time.  I am struggling right now with my job, which I really do not need.  They want me to travel all over the place and do all kinds of things that I really do not want to do.  I went through a hard period, at least what I thought was a hard period, where everything was taken from me, or at least I thought it was.  I found myself living in very modest quarters with no material possessions.  I learned that I was ok with that.  Now that I know I need so little to be happy, I'm not quite so willing to trade my time for money.  I'd rather have the time.  I don't want to go spend the night in a hampton inn.  I don't have to do that.  I don't need a new car or a bigger TV.  I don't need any of that stuff.

What I do need is very simple, and I have it already.  I just need to have gratitude and faith.  But I still hold onto the job.  It makes me feel anxious.  I get bad reviews.  I put pressure on myself.  But really I can let go.  Not do anything.  Sure they will eventually have to let me go, but really that is what I want.

So why do I have a fear of being fired when I don't want to do the job in the first place?  Because I am a creature of habit.  We will see how this works out.  I have to have faith that it will work out for the better.

I am going to Austin this weekend.  This will be a lot of fun.  Some powerful force is coming from the forest.  We will be singing hymns of antiquity that came straight from the dark night of the forest.  These hymns bring force, they bring healing, they bring light into the darkness.  Surrender to the hinario of Maria Damiao.  These will be strong works.  With Alex Polari, the works are always strong.

There is so much anonymity in blogging when you don't seek an audience.  These words are available to a billion people, yet none will see them.   They are like individual stars in a distant galaxy...There for all to see, but only for those who look at them.  Just like the daime.  The doctrine cannot be given to you.  It is for those who seek it out.

And so now I have written for a while and I have done a good job not judging the content of what I am writing.  I feel like I am kind of rambling to myself.  This voice in my head does reach my fingers.  The words just pop right out.  I am not thinking up these words, yet they appear.  If I could type faster, then the words would come out faster.  It would be nice if they would start saying something useful.  Right now, it just seems like a ramble.  Pointless.  There, that stopped them.  All I had to do was tell them they were pointless and they stopped.

Maybe this practice is important.  Maybe the important thing is to keep writing them.  Maybe a mystery will be revealed in them that I am not aware of.  Maybe if I keep writing whatever the voice wants me to write, after I get enough practice it will start writing the good stuff.  Maybe my guides want me first to open the channel to really get the words flying without judging them. Like some of theses sentences with incorrect grammar.  Like that last one and this one.  These are not real sentences, and yet somehow this does not matter.  The meaning is in them, and at least I understand what I mean as I write them.  And so by not judging them, by simply letting the words flow out, I am learning how to get my ego out of the writing game and just let the words flow like I am a river.  I am a river of consciousness attached to the larger stream.  I have invited the consciousness to flow through me and just like water it flows through the opening.  I can create a great river of consciousness that will be expressed through these words if I can get my ego out of the way and just write.  It's funny how the words turn off when I go backwards to correct a typographical error.  If I spend time editing the text, then the words stop.  But some editing of really bad mistakes is good.  It will cause me to be more faithful to the words that I am receiving.

St. Michael comes to mind.  So does the guide I see when I go to a work with my fiance.  She is so strong and free from fear, but fear is what dominates her ego.  But her guide sees that everything is ok.  She seems to do so well.  I feel that I am a part of the line of St. Michael.  It is this line that I serve in, and it is St. Michael that directs me.  We are all in the line of God, but my line includes St. Michael.  I am under his charge and he speaks through me sometimes.  I pray to St. Michael to guide me in my life.  In fact I am asking right now.  St. Michael, I implore you, I have the little willingness to surrender myself to the divine will.  Please take my hand and guide me through these difficult times. Help me make the right steps.  Help me teach, and therefore learn, the right lessons.  You taught me how to learn through teaching when I was in law school.  You taught me how to find your voice in the astral during works with the Santo Daime.  Please now, come in and teach me how to follow my path in the world of samsara.  It was interesting that we saw that movie in connection with the works with Paulo Roberto.

I think it is time to post this now. I feel it is important to publish, not just to write and save, because this is a light in the darkness.  Maybe not such a bright one, and maybe nobody will want to read it right now, but maybe it will develop into something.  Maybe this is the top of the hill and this is a little snow ball just starting to roll down.  Maybe this is the first part of my mission.  Maybe this is part of everything that comes next.  We will see.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

letting go of editing for the audience

One of the main reasons I don't write my blog is because I'm thinking about what someone else is going to think when they read it.  I guess that is a little judge in my brain that plays the roll of the audience.  It stops me from writing because it demands that I write something worthy of being written.  I need to let go of this judge.

And so this blog is going to start being a blog that is not perfect.  It is not intended or written for the purpose of being read.  The and I did it again, I corrected myself.  The purpose of this blog is for me to write it without judging what is said.  I just have to write it. It will create the habit of writing.  It will let the words start to flow.  It will open the channel to receive things to write and then to write them.

It will find the voice.  The conscience is a voice.  To examine the conscience is the first lesson.  The conscience quite simply is the guide.  The voice we can hear but the voice we do not listen to.  The conscience is the voice that ignores the ego, and the ego is the voice that ignores the conscience.  This is because the ego wants everything and the conscience wants nothing.  They cannot even speak to each other.  We can choose what voice we want to listen to.  We have to have a guide.

We do have to have a guide.  There are two possibilities.  One is ourself.  We can trust our mind, or rather the dominant voice in our mind to be our guide.  That is the voice of the ego, and it is the ego that has a hard time writing in this blog.  It is the ego that asks the questions.  It is the ego that asks what will you think when you read this?

But there is another voice too.  It is a quiet voice.  It is my voice?

So I am sitting here in the living room with this slick laptop on my lap.  I am on a red sofa on the tenth floor of a very nice condominium tower with views looking over the water in Miami.  It is my fiancĂ©'s house.  I live here now.  And so a voice in my head is telling me not to post that.  I wonder if it matters. Is it fear who might find out?  What if someone finds out ... oh this is so and so, and he wrote this thing...he told something about himself that is potentially embarrassing. And so what are you going to do?  Look it up? Find out who I am? Tell everyone!  Oh my god, so and so published something on the web and it was embarrassing.  Now we are all scandalized.  It was rambling on and on and he said he lived at your place.

So funny. So what? Honey Badger doesn't care if you think this blog post is weird.  Actually, maybe publishing a blog post that is weird might be just the thing.  There might be another weirdo out there who likes it.  There may be someone that it helps.  It is that person that can benefit from it.  Maybe it will give someone else the courage to do as well as they can.  Maybe it will teach someone else to use and to share their talents such as they are.  Maybe it will inspire someone to write a comment.  Who knows what it will do.  But one thing it won't do is hurt anybody.  I suppose that is true.  Am I reckless?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pen Pal Blog - Is anybody out there? September 20 2012

So now it's time to write another blog post.  I was just reading a very interesting, if a bit cynical, article about how to write a book.  It seems that the question is much more than that.  Most people who ask it want to know how to get a book published, or how to make money writing a book, or how to quit working and "be" an author.  But the thing I realized was that the real core is about judgment.  The real question I have about writing a book is about the audience, not about the writing.  I judge the words I use

I judge my choice of paragraph breaks, grammar and spelling. Sentence fragment? Judge that too.  But what I really want is to write.  To do this I have to divorce myself from the audience.  I have to not worry about whether I will appear foolish for writing something stupid.  I have to let go of my own judgment that my writing is not good enough to be written.

Not good enough to be written.  Who does that guy think he is writing something and publishing it?  Who do I think I am writing like this.

And so I realized, I don't really even want to write a book.  I would much rather write an online diary.  I would also think it was really cool if I could start communicating with other people who want to do the same thing.  A kind of forum.

I don't want to just write a book, I want to start some kind of communication.  A group.  This could be like A PenPal Blog.  It's open to anyone who wants to write something.

Did you read this?  Are you out there?


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


So I have decided to vote for Obama.  I was not even going to participate in the charade, but I changed my mind when the whole illegitimate rape issue came up.  Yes, I get it that it was just some republican crackpot speaking out of turn, but seriously, the republican party has opened itself up to hate mongers.  They have traded science for ideology.  They have traded expedience for truth.  How can anybody associate with a party that peddles ignorance as truth?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Three years later

It is three years or so after I posted that last entry, and that spiritual journey has continued.  So much has changed over that time.  I was in a troubled marriage unaware that it was doomed to failure and today I am engaged to a lovely woman in a much more healthy relationship.

Today is my last day of summer vacation in Idaho.  My son and I have a long journey back to Miami today.

I am almost finished with my study of the Workbook for Students in A Course In Miracles.  There is a work on Saturday night.

Maybe this blog will become my journal.  Help me not to judge whether it is good enough.